Pilgrimage is not just confined to visiting holy places.The aim should be extended beyond getting away from the sins and sorrows. In fact it is an ideal opportunity to look at the present state of the place and also to interact with those connected with it and explore the possibility of uplifting the existing status. It goes without saying that a huge amount of help may not be possible to be rendered by ordinary persons. Yet one can think of joining with others to mobilise support for the project to take off. Once the momentum is gained,it gets accelerated.

When I was briefed over telephone in january about a dilapidated temple at Killikudi,a place sung in Thevaram hymn that dates back to the 8th century, I visited the place to assess the situation over there. Since the temple had to be reconstructed from the scratch, the villagers who were predominantly farmers/land owners decided to rebuild the temple on their own without seeking external help. They erected a make shift shrine for the few deities that remained after the damage, a Shiva lingam,Nandi and Chandikeswara of Chola period. 

The construction of sanctum for all deities had cost them Rs 20 Lakhs and they were unable to proceed further. It was at this stage I visited the site and offered to mobilize paint worth Rs 12000. The same was arranged soon after my return from the trip.The rituals for the Kumbhabishekam were carried out for the grand finale on sunday,22 nd March. The shrine before and after renovation had no comparison as the villagers had started doing
it from scratch. They deserve all credit for re-establishing a totally forgotten/neglected temple of the past.

At the end of the function I could see happiness glowing on the faces of locals.